Loop Land

Loop Land

Project Overview
An RPG & tower defense game inspired by Loop Hero. I made this game while I was learning how to use Unity
Unity Game
Dec 29, 2021 → Feb 25, 2022
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Project Overview:

Play the Game Loop land is an RPG & tower defense game inspired by Loop Hero. The player will continue running in an endless loop and fighting monsters that respawn daily in this world. They can use the cards dropped by the monsters to create buildings that have various purposes, some of which will assist the player in defeating enemies in combat.

Game Design

The player enters combat mode when it moves close to an enemy, and attacks the enemy automatically, I was planning to let the player use equipment that are also dropped by the enemies and they can increase the player stat, but I just don’t have time to implement it.
When the player enters combat mode, it activates the nearby building (turret will attack the enemies that are in combat with the player and the hotel will heal the player).


And there are 6 buildings the players can use:
  • a normal turret that shoots bullets at enemies
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  • a missile launcher that shoot missile that can damage enemies within the radius
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  • a laser beamer that continually damages the enemies and slows them down
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  • a hotel that drops healing potions on the nearby grids and heals the player when they are within range
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  • a spike hill that will spawn enemies in the nearby grids, it helps the player to collect more buildings before the boss fight
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  • a destroy card that will destroy any chosen building


And there are 4 types of enemies in the game:
  • slime, the most basic enemy
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  • The turtle shell, reflects damage to the player when it was attacked
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  • Lich, the boss of the game, attack in long-range and summon 6 minions in the nearby grid
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  • minions, the same as slime
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Other settings

The number of loop increase when the player moves past the portal and the enemies’ stat increase with the loop number
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There is a day/night cycle system in the game, and there is a 5% chance that each grid will respawn a basic enemy at dawn.
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When the player places a certain number of building on the map, a boss will be summoned to the portal, and the bar at the top shows how many buildings are left before the summoning.
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I learned how to use Unity by following tutorials in Unity Learn and Brackeys, and most of the models, animations, sounds, and visual effects are free assets from Unity Asset Store.


The project helped me to learn more about game design, OOP, and Unity. I found Unity to be very easy to learn and use with a background in OpenGL and computer graphics. I gave myself 1 or 2 months to complete this project, and I was able to meet the majority of my expectations for the game (initial design doc); there are so many features that I would really like to implement 😮‍💨 but due to lack of time and the difficulties in finding free and good models/assets for it (merge the nearby buildings to form a bigger/better one to give player synergies, which is what really makes loop hero a fun game).